Strange Battle
“Strange Battle 2016” draws inspiration from an unusual event that took place in Xiangxi in 1945. This film uncovers the chilling truth behind the arrival of vampires and a tribe known for their toxic insects, the ethnic Cats. It creatively blends mysticism with various elements, delving into the enigmas of insect poisons and unveiling secrets within vampire folklore. The film features the intriguing presence of evocation bells, the Western vampires of the mountains resembling dragons, and the ancient Meo villages, captivating audiences from start to finish.
Director: Zhang Shaojun
Actors: Chen Jiajun, Huang Bailu, Luo Buyi, Norman Chui, Norman Chui Siu-Keung, Norman Tsui Siu-Keung, Wang Xiaoyi, Xiao Yi, Yang Lin, Yu Qiuyao, Zhu Laicheng, Zong Liqun
Country: China