Stop The Wedding
In this romantic comedy directed by Anne Wheeler, two individuals, Anna and Clay, find themselves on a mission to halt the impending nuptials of their respective relatives. As they team up to prevent the wedding, unexpected feelings begin to develop between them, leading to humorous and heartfelt moments. The film stars Rachel Boston and Niall Matter, who bring charm and chemistry to their roles. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Anne Wheeler
Actors: Alan Thicke, Brenda Crichlow, Casey Dubois, David James Lewis, David Lewis, Jane Hancock, Lini Evans, Niall Matter, Rachel Boston, Sage Brocklebank, Teryl Rothery
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Front Street Pictures, Hallmark Channel, Marvista Entertainment, Stop Sign