Stockholm, My Love
“Stockholm My Love” is a cinematic ode to the city of Stockholm, marking the fictional film debut of director Mark Cousins and the acting debut of musician Neneh Cherry. The film traces the journey of a woman navigating the streets of her hometown as she seeks healing from a traumatic event that occurred exactly a year prior. It delves into themes of sorrow, self-discovery, and the influence of architecture and urban landscapes on our lives, while also celebrating the therapeutic effects of walking and observing. The film features new music by Neneh Cherry, alongside classic pieces by Benny Andersson (of ABBA) and Franz Berwald, with visuals crafted by Christopher Doyle and Mark Cousins.
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Director: Mark Cousins
Actors: Neneh Cherry
Country: Sweden, United Kingdom
Company: BBC Film, BBC Films, Creative Scotland, Film Capital Stockholm
Worldwide Gross: $16,241