Set against the backdrop of the violent Tong Wars in San Francisco’s Chinatown during the late 1800s, this intense crime drama is filled with action and grit. The story centers…
Set against the backdrop of the legendary Trojan War, this 2018 series delves into the epic tale of love, betrayal, and the clash of civilizations. The narrative follows the fateful…
This comedic drama series explores the challenges faced by a generation navigating the complexities of modern work life in the 21st century, highlighting the bonds and friendships that emerge during…
Kevin Corcoran, a tough young Irish immigrant, serves as a police officer in the historic Five Points district of New York City during the 1860s. While maintaining order in the…
This gripping drama series delves into the various obstacles encountered by the British Security Service as they race against time to protect the country. The title is a well-known slang…