Stand By Me Doraemon
In this heartwarming 3D animated film, a young boy named Nobita Nobi embarks on a journey of self-discovery with the help of his robotic cat from the future, Doraemon. The story explores themes of friendship, courage, and the impact of small actions on one’s future. Directed by Ryuichi Yagi, the film beautifully blends nostalgia with modern animation techniques, capturing the essence of the beloved manga series. Notably, the movie was a box office success in Japan and received positive reviews for its emotional depth and visual appeal. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Ryuichi Yagi, Takashi Yamazaki, Tony Oliver
Actors: Aruno Tahara, Megumi Oohara, Sachi Matsumoto, Satoshi Tsumabuki, Shihoko Hagino, Subaru Kimura, Tomokazu Seki, Vanilla Yamazaki, Wasabi Mizuta, Yumi Kakazu
Country: Japan, United States of America
Company: Fujiko Productions, Shin Ei Animation, Shogakukan
Worldwide Gross: $183,442,714