In this darkly comedic thriller, John Jarratt stars alongside Kaarin Fairfax, who also co-directs the film with Jarratt. The story unfolds as a cat-and-mouse game between two characters, Jack and Emily, in a confined setting, exploring themes of obsession and revenge. The film is notable for its intense dialogue-driven narrative and the unique dynamic between the lead actors, who bring a palpable tension to their roles. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, it offers an intriguing take on the psychological thriller genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Romance, Thriller
Director: John Jarratt, Kaarin Fairfax
Actors: Alan Finney, Charlie Jarratt, John Jarratt, Kaarin Fairfax, Kendra Meers, Mykel Nikifordes, Robert Coleby, Scott Harvey, Wayne Cullen
Country: Australia
Company: OZPIX Entertainment