Spud 2 The Madness Continues
In this coming-of-age comedy, the story follows a young boy named Spud as he navigates the challenges of his second year at a prestigious boarding school in South Africa. Set in the early 1990s, the film captures the humorous and often awkward experiences of adolescence, including friendships, first loves, and the struggle for identity. The movie features performances by John Cleese, who brings his comedic flair to the role of “The Guv.” Directed by Donovan Marsh, the film continues to explore the themes of growth and self-discovery. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Donovan Marsh
Actors: Aaron McIlroy, Blessing Xaba, Byron Langley, Jason Cope, Jeremy Crutchley, John Cleese, Sven Ruygrok, Tom Burne, Travis Hornsby, Troye Sivan
Country: South Africa
Company: MGM International TV Productions, Rogue Star Films
Worldwide Gross: $691,342