Spooks: The Greater Good
In this gripping espionage thriller, the story follows the fallout after a high-profile terrorist escapes from MI5 custody, leading to a desperate manhunt. The film stars Kit Harington and Peter Firth, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate a web of intrigue and betrayal. Directed by Bharat Nalluri, the movie captures the tension and complexity of modern intelligence operations. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
Director: Bharat Nalluri
Actors: David Harewood, Eleanor Matsuura, Elyes Gabel, Hugh Simon, Jennifer Ehle, Kit Harington, Lara Pulver, Peter Firth, Tim McInnerny, Tuppence Middleton
Country: Germany, Isle of Man, United Kingdom
Company: Kudos Film and Television, Pinewood Pictures, Shine Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $5,161,464