The narrative follows a young woman on a profound quest to embrace her own darkness and sexuality, reclaiming them from her abusive partner. Inanna, a budding actress who also works as a stripper, becomes infatuated with a mask maker, gradually giving up parts of herself and her life to earn his affection. Concurrently, she embarks on a mythical journey within the theater, compelling her to confront the widespread mistreatment of women globally. This journey intertwines her performances, dreams, and reality, culminating in a bold and liberating confrontation.
Views: 2
Genre: Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Thriller
Director: Deborah Kampmeier
Actors: Amy Ferguson, Anna Mouglalis, Antonia Campbell-Hughes, Fredric Lehne, Jennifer Onvie, Joan MacIntosh, Johnny Hopkins, Morgan Spector, Raïna von Waldenburg, Sophia Oppenheim
Country: United States of America
Company: Clear Eye Productions, Full Moon Films NY