Spider Man
In this 2002 superhero film, a high school student named Peter Parker gains extraordinary powers after being bitten by a genetically modified spider. As he learns to harness his new abilities, he faces the challenge of balancing his personal life with his responsibilities as a hero. The film stars Tobey Maguire as the titular character and features Willem Dafoe as the antagonist. Directed by Sam Raimi, the movie was a significant success and is credited with revitalizing the superhero genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure, Fantasy, Marvel, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Sam Raimi
Actors: Ajay Mehta, Alex Black, Andray Johnson, Ashley Edner, Benny Urquidez, Bill Calvert, Bill Nunn, Brad Grunberg, Brian J. Williams, Bruce Campbell, Chris Coppola, Cliff Robertson, Corey Mendell Parker, Deborah Wakeham, Elizabeth Banks, Evan Arnold, Gerry Becker, J.K. Simmons, Jack Betts, James Franco, Jason Padgett, Jayce Bartok, Jesse Heiman, Jillian Clare, Jim Norton, Jim Ward, Joe Manganiello, John Paxton, Johnny Trí Nguyễn, Jophery C. Brown, Joseph D'Onofrio, Joy Michelle Moore, K. K. Dodds, Kirsten Dunst, Kristen Marie Holly, Larry Joshua, Leroy Patterson, Lindsay Thompson, Loren Janes, Lucy Lawless, Macy Gray, Mark De Alessandro, Martin Pfefferkorn, Michael Papajohn, Myk Watford, Octavia Spencer, Pete Macnamara, Peter Appel, Peter Aylward, Philip Ng, Randy Savage, Rick Avery, Robert Kerman, Ron Perkins, Rosemary Harris, Sara Ramirez, Scott L. Schwartz, Scott Spiegel, Sean Valla, Shan Omar Huey, Stan Lee, Stanley Anderson, Sylva Kelegian, Tammi Sutton, Taylor Gilbert, Ted Raimi, Tia Dionne Hodge, Tim DeZarn, Timothy Patrick Quill, Tobey Maguire, Una Damon, Willem Dafoe
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Columbia Pictures, Laura Ziskin Productions, Marvel Enterprises
Worldwide Gross: $825,802,095