In a quaint hilltop village in Tuscany, the locals devised an extraordinary method to tackle their challenges: they transformed their lives into a theatrical production. Each summer, the town square became their stage, and people of all ages took on the role of themselves. For half a century, Monticchiello’s yearly tradition has drawn global attention and united the community. However, with an aging population and younger generations more captivated by social media than agriculture, the town’s 50th-anniversary performance might be its final act. “SPETTACOLO” narrates the tale of Teatro Povero di Monticchiello, blending scenes from its history with its current efforts as the villagers craft a new play about the potential end of their world, inspired by a series of harsh setbacks.
Views: 3
Genre: Documentary
Director: Chris Shellen, Jeff Malmberg
Country: United States of America
Company: Open Face
Worldwide Gross: $32,494