SPEC: Zero
High school student Saya Toma, portrayed by Erika Toda, experienced a tragic loss when her parents and younger brother perished in a plane crash. Detective Akio Kondo, played by Yu Tokui, approached her with a startling revelation: her family might have been victims of individuals possessing “spec.” This was Saya’s first encounter with the concept of “spec.” Six years later, still haunted by the detective’s words, Saya decides to pursue a career in law enforcement. After undergoing FBI training in the United States, she returns to Japan and joins the Public Security Bureau, focusing on unsolved cases. Meanwhile, due to the machinations of Satoshi Chii, played by Yuu Shirota, Juichi Ninomae, portrayed by Ryunosuke Kamiki, mistakenly believes Saya is responsible for his parents’ demise and seeks to drive her to desperation. Satoshi Chii’s plot has also led Saya and Juichi to forget their sibling bond, setting them on a collision course. In the midst of this turmoil, a girl named Maho Ueno, played by Umika Kawashima, becomes entangled in their conflict. To safeguard Maho, Saya Toma harnesses the power of “spec.”
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Drama, TV Movie
Director: Yukihiko Tsutsumi
Actors: Erika Toda, Kazuyuki Matsuzawa, Ken Yasuda, Kohki Okada, Ryo Kase, Ryuji Sainei, Saki Fukuda, Tetsushi Tanaka, Yu Shirota, Yuu Tokui, 田中哲司
Country: Japan
Company: Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS)