Southern Gothic
In the quaint Southern town of Redemption, Hazel Fortune is employed at a strip club. Struggling with the loss of his only daughter, he has turned into a self-destructive alcoholic with suicidal tendencies. His life takes a turn when he encounters Starla Motes and forms a bond with her daughter, Hope. However, when Hope is abducted by Enoch Pitt, a merciless and deranged preacher on a violent mission, Hazel is faced with the choice to re-engage with life and put everything on the line to rescue her from a grim fate.
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Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Director: Mark Young
Actors: April Carroll, Brett Gentile, Dani Englander, Emily Catherine Young, Jonathan Sachar, Nicole DuPort, Steve Fortner, William Boyer, William Forsythe, Yul Vasquez
Country: United States of America
Company: Tasty Pixels Inc.