Somers Town
In this Shane Meadows film, the story unfolds in the vibrant district of London, where two teenage boys from different backgrounds form an unlikely friendship. The narrative explores themes of belonging and identity as the boys navigate their personal struggles and the challenges of urban life. The film features compelling performances by Thomas Turgoose and Piotr Jagiello, capturing the essence of youthful camaraderie. Notably, the movie was shot in black and white, adding a unique visual style to its storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Shane Meadows
Actors: Elisa Lasowski, Huggy Leaver, Ireneusz Czop, Kate Dickie, Mark Monero, Perry Benson, Piotr Jagiello, Steven Hillman, Thomas Turgoose, Trevor Cooper
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Big Arty Productions, Mother Vision, Tomboy Films
Worldwide Gross: $1,189,186