Snails in the Rain
Set in the vibrant city of Tel Aviv during the 1980s, this film follows Boaz, a linguistics student who begins receiving anonymous love letters from a secret admirer. As the letters become more frequent, Boaz finds himself questioning his own identity and desires, leading to a journey of self-discovery. Directed by Yariv Mozer, the film explores themes of love, identity, and societal expectations. While it may not have garnered major awards, it offers a poignant narrative and can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Yariv Mozer
Actors: Adi Douiev, Eran Lev, Eyal Cohen, Eyal Kentov, Hava Ortman, Lior Soroka, Moran Rosenblatt, Yariv Mozer, Yehuda Nahari, Yoav Reuveni
Country: Israel
Company: FishCorb Films, Mozer Films, Rabinovich Film Fund Cinema Project