Sleeping Giant
Set against the backdrop of a picturesque summer in Northern Ontario, this coming-of-age drama explores the lives of three teenage boys as they navigate the complexities of friendship, rebellion, and self-discovery. The film, directed by Andrew Cividino, captures the raw and often tumultuous journey of adolescence with authenticity and nuance. It premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and received critical acclaim for its compelling storytelling and strong performances by its young cast. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Andrew Cividino
Actors: David Disher, Erika Brodzky, Jackson Martin, Katelyn McKerracher, Kyle Bertrand, Nick Serino, Reece Moffett, Rita Serino
Country: Canada
Company: Film Forge, Hawkeye Pictures, Hawkeye Pictures Inc.