In this horror-comedy, a pair of possessed jeans wreaks havoc in a trendy clothing store, leading to a night of chaos and carnage. The film cleverly satirizes the fashion industry while delivering a unique blend of humor and horror. Directed by Elza Kephart, it features a cast including Romane Denis and Brett Donahue. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, the film’s inventive premise and social commentary have made it a cult favorite. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Elza Kephart
Actors: Brett Donahue, Elizabeth Neale, Erica Anderson, Hanneke Talbot, Jessica B. Hill, Jonathan Emond, Kenny Wong, Romane Denis, Sehar Bhojani, Stephen Bogaert, Tianna Nori
Country: Canada
Company: EMA Films, Entertainment Squad, Téléfilm Canada