From a young age, Yeon-hee aspired to be an action movie star. Despite her exceptional skills with a sword, the path to achieving her dream proves overwhelmingly difficult. One day, she lands a job as a stand-in for an action movie and arrives on set, only to find herself whisked away to a chaotic parallel universe where sword-wielding inhabitants engage in unchecked violence. She is quickly embraced by the local community as their guardian and earns their respect. Determined to protect the villagers, she takes on the role of a heroine, battling against the villains.
Views: 4
Director: Bareun Jo
Actors: Ahn Ji-hye, Jo Sun-ki, Jong Ho, Jung Jin-woo, Kim Ye-ji, Lee Min-ji, Lee Se-ho, Park Tae-san
Country: South Korea
Company: Contents Village, MCMC