Slap Shot 2: Breaking the Ice
In this sequel to the original hockey comedy, the story follows the Charlestown Chiefs, a struggling minor league hockey team, as they are bought by a new owner with plans to transform them into a family-friendly entertainment act. The film stars Stephen Baldwin and Gary Busey, who bring their unique flair to the roles. Directed by Steve Boyum, the movie explores themes of commercialization and the spirit of the game. While it didn’t receive any notable awards, it offers a comedic take on the world of professional sports. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Steve Boyum
Actors: Callum Keith Rennie, David Hemmings, David James Lewis, David Lewis, David Paetkau, Fred Keating, Gary Busey, Jessica Steen, Jody Racicot, Jonathan Scarfe, Stephen Baldwin
Country: United States of America