Sixty Six
Set in 1966, this heartwarming comedy-drama follows the story of a young boy named Bernie, whose Bar Mitzvah coincides with the World Cup final in England. As his family becomes increasingly distracted by the football fever sweeping the nation, Bernie struggles to find his place and ensure his special day is not overshadowed. The film features performances by Helena Bonham Carter and Eddie Marsan, adding depth to this coming-of-age tale. Directed by Paul Weiland, the movie captures the essence of family dynamics and cultural identity during a pivotal moment in British history. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Comedy, Drama
Director: Paul Weiland
Actors: Ben Newton, Catherine Tate, Charlie Clark, Eddie Marsan, Geraldine Somerville, Gregg Sulkin, Helena Bonham Carter, Peter Serafinowicz, Richard Katz, Stephen Rea
Country: France, United Kingdom
Company: StudioCanal, Universal Pictures, Working Title Films
Worldwide Gross: $1,930,133