In this 2010 horror-comedy film directed by Dick Maas, the story unfolds around a sinister version of Saint Nicholas, who returns every 32 years during a full moon on December 5th to wreak havoc in Amsterdam. The plot follows a group of characters, including a police officer and a student, as they attempt to stop the murderous rampage of the vengeful saint. The film is known for its unique blend of horror and dark humor, and it features notable performances by actors such as Huub Stapel and Egbert Jan Weeber. While it did not receive any major awards, it gained attention for its creative take on a traditional holiday figure. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Dick Maas
Actors: Barbara Sarafian, Ben Ramakers, Bert Luppes, Caro Lenssen, Egbert Jan Weeber, Escha Tanihatu, Huub Stapel, Jaap Spijkers, Jim Deddes, Joey van der Velden
Country: Netherlands
Company: Parachute Pictures, TDMP
Worldwide Gross: $3,797,890