Silent Light
Set in a Mennonite community in northern Mexico, this film explores the emotional turmoil of a man torn between his love for his wife and his feelings for another woman. The narrative unfolds with a meditative pace, capturing the serene yet intense atmosphere of the rural landscape. Directed by Carlos Reygadas, the film is noted for its stunning cinematography and won the Jury Prize at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival. The cast, composed largely of non-professional actors, delivers a raw and authentic portrayal of complex human emotions. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Carlos Reygadas
Actors: Alfredo Thiessen, Autghe Loewen, Cornelio Wall, Daniel Thiessen, Elizabeth Fehr, Irmo Thiessen, Jacobo Klassen, Maria Pankratz, Miriam Toews, Peter Wall
Country: France, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands
Company: Bac Films, Mantarraya Producciones, No Dream Cinema
Worldwide Gross: $877,577