In this gritty crime drama, two childhood friends from Kingston, Jamaica, navigate the dangerous world of organized crime as they rise to power in Miami’s underworld. The film explores themes of loyalty, ambition, and the harsh realities of life on the streets. Featuring performances by Ky-Mani Marley and Spragga Benz, the movie offers a raw and authentic portrayal of the struggles faced by those seeking a better life through illicit means. Directed by Cess Silvera, it has gained a cult following for its intense storytelling and vibrant depiction of Jamaican culture. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 13
Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama
Director: Cess Silvera
Actors: Assassin, Beast, Jabba, Ky-Mani Marley, Louie Rankin, Paul Campbell, San San, Screechie Bop, Spragga Benz, Wyclef Jean
Country: Jamaica, United States of America
Company: Access Pictures, Jean Silvera Films