Shepherds and Butchers
Set in apartheid-era South Africa, this gripping legal drama follows a jaded lawyer, played by Steve Coogan, who takes on the case of a young prison guard accused of a brutal crime. As the story unfolds, the film delves into the psychological toll of working on death row, exploring themes of justice and humanity. Directed by Oliver Schmitz, the movie offers a poignant look at a turbulent period in history. It can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Director: Oliver Schmitz
Actors: Andrea Riseborough, Brett Williams, Deon Lotz, Eduan van Jaarsveldt, Garion Dowds, Inge Beckmann, Lauren Steyn, Marcel Van Heerden, Robert Hobbs, Steve Coogan
Country: Germany, South Africa, United States of America
Company: Distant Horizon, Times Media Films, Videovision Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $79,711