“Shattered” is a narrative inspired by real-life incidents, exploring themes of familial betrayal, lost love, and a sinister secret that threatens a prominent political family in the Deep South. Kate Stenson aspires to live the ideal life of a Southern Belle. She weds Ken Burnett, the son of the influential town Mayor, a domineering figure determined to safeguard his status at any cost. Together, Kate and Ken have two children: a biological daughter and an adopted son named Logan. However, Kate’s seemingly idyllic existence begins to unravel when she learns that Logan struggles with serious mental health challenges. As Kate delves into Logan’s past to uncover the truth, she stumbles upon a dark secret capable of dismantling the Burnett family’s legacy. With the help of a new ally, Kate’s investigation into the origins of Logan’s condition brings to light shocking family secrets, placing her in unexpected peril.
Director: Natasha Kermani
Actors: Adam Huss, Alfonso Freeman, Arianne Zucker, Eileen Dietz, Jonathan Camp, Molly Burnett, Ray Wise, Ron Roggé, Tate Birchmore, Tom Malloy
Country: United States of America
Company: MVP3 Entertainment Group