Shades of Ray
In this 2008 film directed by Jaffar Mahmood, the story follows Ray Rehman, a young man of mixed race, as he navigates the complexities of identity and relationships. Starring Zachary Levi, the film delves into Ray’s struggle to reconcile his Pakistani and American heritage while dealing with romantic entanglements. The narrative unfolds with humor and heart, offering a fresh perspective on cultural identity. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jaffar Mahmood
Actors: Bonnie Somerville, Brian George, Fran Kranz, Gerry Bednob, Jake Kasdan, Kathy Baker, Lucy Davis, Phil Rosenthal, Philip Rosenthal, Sarah Shahi, Zachary Levi
Country: United States of America