Seven swords
Set in the early 17th century during the Qing Dynasty, this film follows a group of seven warriors who band together to protect a village from a ruthless warlord intent on enforcing a ban on martial arts. Directed by the renowned Hark Tsui, the movie showcases a blend of intricate swordplay and rich storytelling, featuring stars like Donnie Yen and Leon Lai. The film is noted for its stunning cinematography and elaborate action sequences, which highlight the unique skills of each warrior. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Director: Hark Tsui
Actors: Charlie Yeung, Charlie Yeung Choi-Nei, Chi Kuan-Chun, Donnie Yen, Jason Pai Piao, Kim So-yeon, Kuan-Chun Chi, Lau Kar-leung, Leon Lai, Leon Lai Ming, Lu Yi, Michael Wong, Sun Honglei
Country: Australia, China, Hong Kong, Netherlands, South Korea
Company: Beijing Ciwen Digital Oriental Film & TV Production Co., Boram Entertainment, City Glory Pictures Ltd.
Worldwide Gross: $3,473,290