Seven Something
“Seven Something” is a romantic film crafted by three distinct directors, resulting in a tripartite narrative. The initial segment, titled “14,” explores the challenges faced by two adolescents in the realm of social media. The second segment, “21/28,” delves into the story of two ex-lovers, both actors, who reunite professionally after a seven-year separation. The final segment, “42.195,” follows a woman who encounters a young man inspiring her to finish a marathon.
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Director: Adisorn Trisirikasem, Jira Maligool, Paween Purijitpanya
Actors: Focus Jirakul, Jarinporn Joonkiat, Jirayu La-ongmani, Madame Mod, Nichkhun Horvejkul, Panissara Arayaskul, Punpun Sutatta Udomsilp, Sirin Horwang, Sunny Suwanmethanon, Suquan Bulakul, Sutatta Udomsilp
Country: Thailand
Company: GMM Tai Hub (GTH)
Worldwide Gross: $2,238,732