Yukon Gold
“Yukon Gold” is a reality TV show from Canada, created by Paperny Entertainment and broadcast on History Television. The show documents the efforts of four mining teams as they hunt for gold during the four-month mining season in the Yukon. The teams are led by miners Ken Foy, Al McGregor, Bernie Kreft, and Karl Knutson. In 2013, the series was picked up by the National Geographic Channel for airing in the United States.
Views: 1
Genre: Reality
Director: David Paperny
Studio: Paperny Entertainment
Creators: Jean Parsons, Liam Cripps, Rachel Coe
TV Status: Returning Series
43minRelease: 2013
IMDb: 6
TMDb: 5.3
Country: Canada
Networks: History
Starring: Al Mc Gregor, Cam Johnson, Chris St. Jean, Guillaume Brodeur, Karl Knutson, Ken Foy, Nika Guilbault