Noel Clarke headlines a stellar ensemble in the latest drama series “Viewpoint,” produced by Tiger Aspect for ITV in collaboration with Unstoppable Film and Television. The series is inspired by a concept from Harry Bradbeer, the Emmy-winning director known for “Fleabag,” “Killing Eve,” and “No Offence,” and is co-created and penned by Edgar award recipient Ed Whitmore, known for “Safe House” and “Manhunt.” This captivating five-episode drama delves into a high-stakes police surveillance operation within a close-knit Manchester neighborhood, questioning whether it’s truly possible to observe others’ lives impartially and without influence.
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Director: Ed Whitmore, Harry Bradbeer
Studio: ITV Productions, Tiger Aspect, Tiger Aspect Productions
Creators: Ed Whitmore, Harry Bradbeer
Starring: Alexandra Roach, Amy Wren, Bronagh Waugh, Catherine Tyldesley, Dominic Allburn, Fehinti Balogun, Kíla Lord Cassidy, Marcus Garvey, Noel Clarke, Phil Davis, Sarah Niles