The Spectacular Spider-Man
The Spectacular Spider-Man is an American animated TV series inspired by the Marvel Comics superhero, brought to the small screen by Greg Weisman and Victor Cook. The show draws heavily from the original tales by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, maintaining a similar mix of action, drama, and humor, all set against a high school backdrop. It also incorporates elements from various periods of the comic’s history, as well as influences from the film adaptations and the Ultimate Spider-Man comics.
Debuting on March 8, 2008, during the Kids’ WB segment on The CW, the series was met with critical praise. Its second season aired on Disney XD, Marvel’s affiliated network in the U.S., concluding on November 18, 2009, and continued to garner positive reviews. Although there were plans for a third season, the show was cancelled before production could start.
Views: 2
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Family, Kids
Director: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko
Studio: Adelaide Productions, Culver Entertainment, Marvel Entertainment, Sony Pictures Television, Sony Pictures Television Studios
Creators: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Victor Cook
TV Status: Canceled
22minRelease: 2008
IMDb: 8.4
TMDb: 8.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Country: United States of America
Networks: Disney XDCW, Disney XDThe CW
Starring: Josh Keaton