The Purge
In a dystopian version of America governed by an authoritarian regime, this series centers on a group of seemingly disconnected individuals residing in a small town. Their lives intersect through the presence of an enigmatic protector, perfectly prepared to handle whatever challenges the night presents. As time ticks away and their destinies hang by a thread, each person must confront their history and determine the lengths they are willing to go to make it through the night.
Views: 7
Director: James DeMonaco
Studio: Anthony Hemingway Productions, Blumhouse Television, Man in A Tree, Platinum Dunes, Racket Squad Productions, UCP
Creators: James DeMonaco
TV Status: Canceled
43minRelease: 2018
IMDb: 6.6
TMDb: 6.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 42%
Country: United States of America
Networks: USA Network
Starring: Derek Luke, Joel Allen, Lindsey Pearlman, Max Martini, Paola Núñez