The McCarthys
A multi-camera sitcom centers around a tight-knit Boston family with a passion for sports. The story follows Ronny, the son who isn’t particularly athletic, yet is unexpectedly chosen by his father to be the assistant coach for a high school basketball team, much to the surprise of his more capable siblings.
Ronny dreams of leaving home to dive into the singles scene and find a partner. His mother, Marjorie, is not troubled by his sexuality but is upset by his desire to leave Boston and the family. However, Ronny’s plans take a turn when his blunt and politically incorrect father, Arthur, shocks everyone by selecting him as the assistant coach. Moved by his father’s decision, Ronny sets off on a new path, knowing that his devoted family, including his twin brothers Sean and Gerard and his sister Jackie, will have plenty to say about his new direction.
Views: 3
Genre: Comedy
Director: Brian Gallivan
Studio: CBS Studios, Olive Bridge Entertainment, Sony Pictures Television, Sony Pictures Television Studios
Creators: Brian Gallivan
TV Status: Canceled
30minRelease: 2014
IMDb: 6.4
TMDb: 5.778
Rotten Tomatoes: 58%
Country: United States of America
Networks: CBS
Starring: Jack McGee, Jimmy Dunn, Joey McIntyre, Kelen Coleman, Laurie Metcalf, Tyler Ritter