The King’s Doctor
“The King’s Doctor” is a South Korean TV series from 2012, featuring Jo Seung-woo and Lee Yo-won. It was broadcast on Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation from October 1, 2012, to March 25, 2013, airing on Mondays and Tuesdays at 9:55 PM for a total of 50 episodes. This drama was part of the celebrations for MBC’s 51st anniversary.
Directed by Lee Byung-hoon, who is renowned for his previous historical dramas such as “Hur Jun,” “Jewel in the Palace,” “Yi San,” and “Dong Yi,” this series marked Jo Seung-woo’s debut in television drama after a 13-year career in film and theater.
Director: Kim Yi-young
Studio: AStory, Kim Jong-hak Production
Creators: Byoung-hoon Lee, David Bannon, Jung Kyu Choi, Yi Young Kim
TV Status: Ended
1h 10minRelease: 2012
IMDb: 7.5
TMDb: 4.2
Country: South Korea
Networks: MBC
Starring: Cho Seung-woo, Han Sang-jin, Jo Bo-ah, Kim So-eun, Lee Sang-woo, Lee Soon-jae, Lee Yo-won, Nam Da-reum, Seo Beom-sik, Sunwoo Jae-duk