The Hotwives of Orlando
“The Hotwives of Orlando” is a satirical take on a well-known reality TV franchise, offering a glimpse into the lavish and elite lives of six glamorous housewives residing in the vibrant city of Orlando, Florida. The series chronicles the antics and conflicts of these women, who clash over nearly everything except their shared passion for footwear, cosmetic enhancements, and the extravagant use of their spouses’ wealth.
TV Status: Ended
23minRelease: 2014
IMDb: 7.5
TMDb: 5.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 85%
Country: United States of America
Networks: Hulu
Starring: Andrea Savage, Angela Kinsey, Casey Wilson, Danielle Schneider, Jerry Minor, Joey McIntyre, Kristen Schaal, Matt Besser, Seth Morris, Tymberlee Hill