The End of the F***ing World
In this darkly comedic and unconventional coming-of-age story, two disenchanted teenagers, James and Alyssa, embark on a road trip that spirals into a series of unexpected and dangerous events. James, who believes he is a psychopath, initially plans to kill Alyssa, but their journey leads to a deeper connection and self-discovery. The film stars Alex Lawther and Jessica Barden, whose performances bring depth to their complex characters. Directed by Jonathan Entwistle, the movie is noted for its unique blend of humor and drama. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jonathan Entwistle
Studio: Clerkenwell Films, Dominic Buchanan Productions
Creators: Andy Baker, Charlie Covell, Jonathan Entwistle, Lucy Tcherniak
TV Status: Ended
21minRelease: 2017
IMDb: 8
TMDb: 8.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: Channel 4
Starring: Alex Lawther, Jessica Barden, Josh Dylan, Naomi Ackie