The Corner
“The Corner” offers an authentic portrayal of Fayette Street, utilizing actual names and events. This miniseries depicts the genuine experiences of individuals residing in the open-air drug markets of West Baltimore. It follows a year in the lives of 15-year-old DeAndre McCullough, his mother Fran Boyd, and his father Gary McCullough, along with other addicts and small-time drug dealers entangled in the dual economy driven by heroin and cocaine.
Views: 2
Director: David Simon
Studio: Blown Deadline Productions, HBO Independent Productions, Knee Deep Productions
Creators: Charles S. Dutton, David Mills, Ed Burns
Starring: Clarke Peters, Corey Parker Robinson, Glenn Plummer, Khandi Alexander, Lance Reddick, Maria Broom, Sean Nelson, T. K. Carter, Tasha Smith, Toy Connor