The Block NZ
The Block NZ is the inaugural local adaptation of a globally popular renovation-reality show where four pairs compete to refurbish four rundown homes in a prestigious neighborhood. They tackle the project room by room, week after week, and challenge by challenge, aiming to sell the homes at auction for the highest bid.
The participants can be couples, relatives, or friends, and no prior DIY skills are required. Once chosen, they immerse themselves in their renovation endeavor for the nine-week filming period, residing on-site in The Block NZ properties. There are no eliminations throughout the competition, and the ultimate winners are determined by the most demanding judge: the real estate market.
All four revamped homes are auctioned live on TV, with the title of The Block NZ champion awarded to the pair whose home achieves the highest sale price on the night. Each team earns the profits from their home’s sale during the televised auction, and the victors receive an extra cash prize of $80,000.
Genre: Reality
Creators: Julie Christie