The Americans
Set against the backdrop of the Cold War in the 1980s, “The Americans” follows the lives of Elizabeth and Philip Jennings, who are Soviet KGB agents masquerading as a married American couple living in the suburbs of Washington D.C. Their neighbor, Stan Beeman, works as an agent in the FBI’s Counterintelligence division.
Views: 13
Director: Joe Weisberg, Joseph Weisberg
Studio: Amblin Television, DreamWorks Television, Fox 21 Television Studios, Fox Television Studios, FX Productions, Nemofilms
Creators: Joseph Weisberg
TV Status: Ended
48minRelease: 2013
IMDb: 8.4
TMDb: 7.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
Country: United States of America
Networks: FX
Starring: Costa Ronin, Holly Taylor, Keidrich Sellati, Keri Russell, Margo Martindale, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich