Texas Rising
Set against the backdrop of the Texas Revolution, this historical drama series delves into the tumultuous events following the fall of the Alamo. The narrative follows the determined Texan forces as they rally under the leadership of General Sam Houston, portrayed by Bill Paxton, to fight for independence from Mexico. With a star-studded cast including Brendan Fraser and Ray Liotta, the series offers a gritty portrayal of the era’s challenges and heroism. Directed by Roland Joffé, the series captures the spirit of a pivotal moment in American history. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Roland Joffé
Studio: A+E Studios, ITV Studios America, Thinkfactory Media
Creators: Darrell Fetty, Roland Joffé
TV Status: Ended
1h 25minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 6.7
TMDb: 6.227
Rotten Tomatoes: 19%
Country: United States of America
Networks: History
Starring: Bill Paxton, Brendan Fraser, Christopher McDonald, Crispin Glover, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jeremy Davies, Max Thieriot, Olivier Martinez, Ray Liotta, Thomas Jane