Summer Heights High
This mockumentary delves into the events of a typical school term at an Australian high school, featuring Jonah, a 13-year-old troublemaker from Tonga facing numerous challenges; Mr. G, a drama teacher whose inflated ego fuels his unrealistic ambitions in show business; and Ja’mie, a sharp-tongued private school student on an exchange program, determined to leave her imprint on Summer Heights High.
Views: 4
Genre: Comedy
Director: Chris Lilley
Studio: ABC TV, Princess Pictures
Creators: Chris Lilley, Stuart McDonald
TV Status: Ended
28minRelease: 2007
IMDb: 8.5
TMDb: 7.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 75%
Country: Australia
Starring: Asolima Tauati, Chris Lilley, David Lennie, Iro Utaifeau, Kristy Barnes Cullen, Ofa Palu, Stan Roach, Zach Fa'atoe