Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures
Set in the High Republic period, when the Jedi Order was at its peak, this story follows young Jedi apprentices as they immerse themselves in the teachings of the Force. As they journey across the galaxy, they assist those in need, both people and creatures, while acquiring essential skills necessary for their path to becoming Jedi.
Views: 2
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Kids
Director: Michael Olson
Studio: Disney Junior, ICON Creative Studio, Lucasfilm Animation, Lucasfilm Ltd., Wild Canary
Creators: Josh Rimes, Michael Olson, Shellie Kvilvang
TV Status: Returning Series
27minRelease: 2023
IMDb: 5.7
TMDb: 4.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 76%
Networks: Disney+
Starring: Dee Bradley Baker, Emma Berman, Jamaal Avery Jr., JeCobi Swain, Jonathan Lipow, Juliet Donenfeld, Nasim Pedrad, Piotr Michael