This gripping drama series delves into the various obstacles encountered by the British Security Service as they race against time to protect the country. The title is a well-known slang term for intelligence agents, and the show centers on a team of MI5 officers operating from their Thames House headquarters, within a heavily fortified office area referred to as The Grid.
Views: 2
Genre: Action & Adventure, Crime, Drama
Director: David Wolstencroft
Creators: David Wolstencroft
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2002
IMDb: 8.3
TMDb: 7.6
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC One
Starring: Alex Lanipekun, Alice Krige, Geoffrey Streatfeild, Jonathan Hyde, Lara Pulver, Max Brown, Nicola Walker, Peter Firth, Tom Weston-Jones, William Hope