Sonny with a Chance
“Sonny with a Chance” is a children’s sitcom from the United States that aired on Disney Channel. Created by Steve Marmel, the show centers on the adventures of Sonny Munroe, a teenager played by Demi Lovato, who joins the cast of her beloved live comedy TV show, “So Random!”. The series premiered in the U.S. on February 8, 2009. Notably, it was the first Disney Channel Original Series to be filmed and broadcast in high-definition from the start. Like many Disney Channel sitcoms, it was recorded on tape but given a “filmized” look. In its second season, some scenes were filmed on location. This series is one of three Disney Channel Original Series to include a show-within-a-show concept, alongside “The Famous Jett Jackson” and “Shake It Up”. The show concluded on January 2, 2011, following Lovato’s exit. Subsequently, it was decided to continue the series without her, rebranded as “So Random!”.
TV Status: Canceled
22minRelease: 2009
IMDb: 6
TMDb: 7.803
Rotten Tomatoes: 83%
Country: United States of America
Networks: Disney Channel
Starring: Allisyn Ashley Arm, Allisyn Snyder, Brandon Mychal Smith, Demi Lovato, Doug Brochu, Sterling Knight, Tiffany Thornton