Six Flying Dragons
“Six Flying Dragons” is a historical drama that explores the aspirations and achievements of six individuals surrounding Prince Lee Bang Won. The series delves into the ideological and political clash between Prince Lee Bang Won and Jung Do Jeon, the key figure in assisting King Taejo in founding the nascent Joseon nation. Jung Do Jeon envisions a nation governed by ministers, whereas Lee Bang Won seeks to wield absolute authority. Eventually, Prince Lee Bang Won ascends to the throne as King TaeJong, becoming the third monarch of the Joseon Dynasty, and plays a crucial role in helping his father, King Taejo, establish the dynasty.
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Genre: Drama
Studio: ANDu Entertainment
Creators: Kyung Soo Shin, Kyungsoo Shin, Sang-yeon Park, Young-Hyun Kim
Starring: Byun Yo-han, Cheon Ho-jin, Ho-jin Chun, Jeong Yu-mi, Kim Myung-min, Lee Jun-hyeok, Min Sung-wook, Park Hyeok-kwon, Shin Se-kyung, Yoo Ah-in, Yoon Kyun-sang