Sin City Saints
In this unconventional comedy, the story unfolds in the administrative hub of a made-up professional basketball expansion team. It focuses on Jake Tullus, a Silicon Valley mogul whose lifelong ambition was to own a professional basketball team. However, he soon realizes he’s out of his depth. The team he has gathered to manage Las Vegas’ inaugural professional sports team proves to be of little assistance.
Views: 1
Genre: Comedy
Studio: Mandalay Sports Media
Creators: Bryan Gordon, Chris Case, Michael Tollin
TV Status: Canceled
23minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 6.1
TMDb: 5.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 92%
Country: United States of America
Networks: Yahoo! Screen
Starring: Andrew Santino, B.K. Cannon, Charidy Wronski, Justin Chon, Keith Powers, Malin Ă…kerman, Ryan Cartwright, Toby Huss, Tom Arnold