Set in the thriving Britain of 1986, “Rivals” explores the fiercely competitive television industry, where hairstyles are extravagant and aspirations even more so. Negotiations unfold both in boardrooms and behind closed doors, leaving everyone uncertain about who will ultimately prevail. In a world where self-interest reigns supreme, is there room for genuine love to flourish?
Views: 32
Genre: Drama, Top 100 Popular Series TVs
Director: Jilly Cooper
Studio: Happy Prince, The Walt Disney Company EMEA
Creators: Alexandra Brodski, Dee Koppang O'Leary, Dominic Treadwell-Collins, Elliot Hegarty, Jilly Cooper, Laura Wade, Sorcha Kurien-Walsh
Starring: Aidan Turner, Alex Hassell, Bella Maclean, Claire Rushbrook, Danny Dyer, David Tennant, Katherine Parkinson, Nafessa Williams, Oliver Chris, Victoria Smurfit