Red Oaks
Set in the vibrant 1980s, this coming-of-age comedy blends humor and emotion as it follows a college student savoring one final adventure before summer fades and the future looms. In 1985, David Myers works as an assistant tennis pro at the Red Oaks Country Club in suburban New Jersey. He is grappling with his father’s recent heart attack and the uncertainty of choosing a major for the upcoming fall semester. During his time at the club, he encounters a diverse group of quirky colleagues and affluent members, including an intriguing art student named Skye and her corporate raider father, Getty.
Views: 3
Director: David Gordon Green, Gregory Jacobs, Joe Gangemi
Studio: Amazon Studios
Creators: Gregory Jacobs, Joe Gangemi
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2014
IMDb: 7.9
TMDb: 7.26
Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
Country: United States of America
Networks: Prime Video
Starring: Alexandra Socha, Alexandra Turshen, Craig Roberts, Ennis Esmer, Gage Golightly, Jennifer Grey, Josh Meyers, Oliver Cooper, Paul Reiser, Richard Kind