Planet Earth
Narrated by the iconic Sir David Attenborough, this groundbreaking documentary series offers an unparalleled glimpse into the diverse ecosystems of our planet. It takes viewers on a breathtaking journey from the highest mountains to the deepest oceans, showcasing the intricate beauty and fragility of nature. The series was lauded for its stunning cinematography and innovative use of high-definition technology, earning it several prestigious awards, including multiple Emmy Awards. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Documentary, Top250Tvs
Director: David Attenborough, Gary Parker, Vanessa Berlowitz
Studio: BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation, Discovery Channel, Discovery+, NHK
Creators: Alastair Fothergill, David Attenborough, Mark Linfield, Vanessa Berlowitz
TV Status: Ended
Release: 2006
IMDb: 9.4
TMDb: 8.566
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC One
Starring: David Attenborough, Nikolay Drozdov, Sanae Ueda, Sigourney Weaver