Pimp My Ride
“Pimp My Ride” is an MTV television series where each episode focuses on transforming a dilapidated car into a fully restored and personalized vehicle. The original U.S. version was presented by rapper Xzibit. More recently, MTV2 has started broadcasting “Pimp My Ride UK,” hosted by DJ Tim Westwood, which showcases car customizations in the UK. Additionally, “Pimp My Ride International,” featuring vehicles from central Europe, is hosted by hip hop artists Fat Joe and Lil’ Jon. There is also a related series on CMT called “Trick My Truck.”
Views: 3
Genre: Reality
Director: Bruce Beresford-Redman, Rick Hurvitz
Studio: MTV, MTV Europe, MTV Россия
Creators: Bruce Beresford-Redman, Rick Hurvitz
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2004
IMDb: 5.7
TMDb: 5.8
Country: United States of America
Networks: MTV
Starring: Beau Boeckmann, Dave Aragon, Michael Martin, Xzibit